7 Ways to Lower Your Cancer Risk What does cancer have to do with eco-conscious living? A lot. More and more research is uncovering the links between environmental stressors and the harm they do to our bodies. It seems logical then to take as many preventative steps as possible. Weeding away the un-natural products and behaviors that our so-very-natural human systems have a hard time handling is the best place to start. In our four-part anti-cancer lifestyle series, expert Dr. David Servan-Schreiber ... himself a brain cancer survivor ... shares his tips for living a long, healthy life.
Avoid the following common household products:
- Percholoeethylene/Tetrachloro-ethylene, found in dry cleaning. Garments should be aired out for several hours before wearing.
- Cleaning products such as liquid detergents, disinfectants, and toilet bowl sanitizers that contain alkylphenols (nonoxynol, octoxynol, nonylphenol, actylphenol)
- Deodorants and antiperspirants containing aluminum.
- Cosmetics, shampoos, lotions, gels, hair color, nail polish, perfumes and sunscreen containing estrogens or placental products, or those with parabens or phthalttes.
- Chemical household pesticides and insecticides.
- Heating foods or liquids in plastic containers made with PVCs, polystyrene, or Styrofoam.
- Preparing food in scratched Teflon pans.