Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Crazy Lady

I forgot to tell you that I was at the store yesterday and I think the fish guy thought I was so crazy because I didn't want the little styrofoam tray for the fish, I just wanted him to wrap it up! It was pretty funny, I had to really explain what I wanted a couple of times, oh well, was it worth the effort, I don't know, but it felt good. Maybe I should write the manager.....hmmmm....I'm sure he'd love the blog! So speaking of packaging, I thought I had done so good at the store and then I came home and realized that there is still so much packaging I am going to end up throwing away. I know that it's hard to fix everything and at some point you will end up using a plastic bag and it can be overwhelming and frustrating that all the conveniences that we so depend on end up in the landfill. But maybe this is where it starts, by being the crazy lady and refusing the styrofoam tray, I haven't gotten to the point of bringing my own containers to the deli yet, but I'm close!!! Oh and those veggie bags? I think I have to try and reuse them, anyone have any other ideas? Aside from the fact that soon I will be having delicious home grown veggies!! Oh and a crop share from http://www.angelicorganics.com/.
It breaks down to $32.50 a week for organic veggies, and considering that the prices of groceries are only going to go up, it was worth it for us. Seriously veggies grown locally and organically, now that is what I call making a difference!!! Till next time my friends
much love
The crazy lady at the store!

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