Sunday, April 13, 2008


Did you know that watering from a sprinkler can waste 30-50% of water, and watering in the heat of the day up to 65%

How crazy is that?! And here I thought gardening was such a good thing for the environment. I know it's hard to think about watering in the middle of "April showers" but if you haven't already dragged out the hoses and made plans for the garden, maybe something to consider is soaker hoses.
-You only need to take them out once, and you don't get in trouble for leaving them out all over the yard for your husband to mow over.
-most are made from 65% recycled tires. (you gotta check the brand though, this one is 50% recycled tires and 50% recycled polyethylene products )
-wet foliage is more suseptible to fungus and disease.

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