Friday, April 11, 2008

Finally Spring!

Yeah it's finally Spring, and all the kids want to do is play outside (and mom too) But of course it's raining every other day and mud all over the place. So we still have to come up with some indoor activites to distract my 2 1/2 year old as his little face is pressed against the window. Here are some things we've done that he seems to enjoy.
-Planted seeds in small peat pots. We took a 27 quart plastic container and put organic potting mix and peat pots in it and let Coleman go to town filling up the little pots. It made a bit of a mess but kept him busy. Next he very precisely inserted seeds into the pots. If you would like to recycle some newspapers and make some starter pots, (another keep them busy activity, although maybe not for a two year old) here is a good link with step by step pictures:

We have a spray bottle filled with water and his "job" everyday is to spray the seedlings to make sure they don't get thirsty. He loves his bit of responsibility! It seems to make him feel important, and I think also begins to teach him responsibility for plants and living things around us. That might be a bit to deep for a 2 1/2 year old, but you gotta start somewhere.

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