Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Nature of What?!

I realize that I have named this site the Nature of Kids and as of today there is only one kid related thing on here. Sorry about that but I have had all these thoughts bouncing around in my head and I had to get them out first. This is more than just about kids though it's about the journey of becoming a green family, a good family, that communicates, respects each others needs and wants and those of the earth as well. I want my kids to learn that the earth and the environment need to be treated with care, but I also want them to develop a sense of wonder and creative spirit by trying different activites, that aren't going to fill up our landfills, or be toxic. So through trial and error I think we will find our way. I want to pass on the things that have worked for me and I'de love to have some suggestions as well. I'm hoping that through writing all this down it will make it more real and a way to hold myself accountable, I mean I can't just write something down and not be trying it, right?

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